Sunday, September 30, 2007

The SuperChair for him

Two-Headed Turtle Goes On Display In Pa.
A pet store has bought a two-headed turtle from a collector and plans to keep it on display, the store manager said. The 2-month-old turtle, actually conjoined red-eared slider twins, fits on a silver dollar.
How to Stop Farting
When it comes to problems with flatulence and gases, swollen stomach and farting modern science has made great progress finding remedies for those afflicted. Listed here are some of the latest methods for once and for all put an end to flatulence, farting
Nerds To Auction Themselves To Women
Looking to recruit more women, and perhaps date some sorority girls, the largest computer club at Washington State University hopes to hold a "nerd auction." The idea is to trade their computer skills to sorority girls in exchange for a makeover and, poss